Page 10




Status: Complete


County, also Milesburg at the Gap of Bald Eagle mountain,
on this side the Village we cross'd Bald Eagle Creek, on the
Margin of this Creek we saw for the 2d time a raft preparing
to go down the Creek for Susquehanna, we now enter'd the
B. Eagle Valley a rich and well cultivated Land, but not wide
here. We found for the first time mile Stones, and about the
4th we arriv'd at William Fisher, an elderly friend, living in
the midst of Plenty. They appear to know how to use, without
abusing the bounties of Providence. They entertaind us with
easy kindness. They belong to the little meeting in the Valley
and finding it best, to fill up 6 & 7 days in the pursance
of our course to the farthest meeting, we left our baggage, got
fresh provision in clean napkins and set out, about 7 oclok
have cross'd the Allegany mountain, on the continuation
of the Turnpike, the greater part of 24 miles, indeed nearly
all the distance is equal to our Washington Turnpike, or
even Pratt Street road, the road for several miles
was cut out of the side of a stupendous mountain which overlook'd

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In the 11th and into the 12th line, she had first written "in the pursuing our course", but changed "pursuing" to "pursance" - clearly leaving out the "u" - and followed that with the addition of "of". That phrase should read, "in the pursuance of our course".