(09) Letter: Sophia Kummer Peirce to her brother (possibly Edward Kummer), February 1, 1871



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Fairfield Feb. 1st 1871.

My dear brother

It seems a very long time since I wrote to either you or Lettie, how it has happened I do not know, except that I gernerally have more letters to answer than Carry & so she has written more frequently to you. I believe Ag & you are her only correspondents now-a-days. We were very glad to hear from both you & Aggie the other day.

Though Paris has surrendered, I think the war will continue after the three weeks are over, & she will be as far from getting to Paris as ever. _ If she were

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quite strong again, I should wish very much that she should come back as soon as the spring storms are over, so as to make it safe for her to cross the ocean; as it is though I think that it may add some years to her life if she rests long enough.

Please tell Hannah that some weeks since when Mrs Gilpin was so very ill, the care of her canary seemed to be so much on the old lady's mind, for fear it would freeze, or the cat get it, or it would be neglected, that I just took possession of it, brought it home & have kept it ever since. Mrs G. is still only able to sit up an hour or so at time. As I have never taken care of a canary before I may need some instructions, & if she has any to give me, please ask her to do so.* I hope she

[*] It seems very lively & will as far as I can judge.

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will think I did right in bringing it here. Fanny seemed so thankful when I offered to do so. _ I believe Carrie mentioned in her last how delighted the children were with the books you sent. Alice reads, & re reads hers, & as to Fanny, she makes all of us read hers to her on an average three times a week, & we have to begin at the first page & go straight through before we stop, if she can possibly persuade us to do so. She catches any ryhme very easily & she knows quite a nmber of the little pieces. She wants me to tell you that she loves dolls very much, & that one of her newest & prettiest is a boy doll named after you. _ She is constantly changing the names of her dolls, so I suppose it will soon be something else.

The last time we heard from Alex, Aunt Mary was better, but as that

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was a week since I am anxious to hear again. For several days we were very uneasy indeed about her. I am sorry that Mary is so poorly, & fear you will have to go through a siege of it, as the other children will scarcely escape having the disease. "Chicken pies" they say I called it when I was young, & had it.

It has been raining for two days past, & I should not be at all surprised to hear of floods in various parts of the country, for there must be a great quantity of snow & ice accumulated. We have had more snow than for several years past. All join me in love to yourself Lettie, Hannah & the children

Your affec _ sister


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