Page 136




Status: Complete

10th month 1869

2d day 11 Jim - set in; all hands picked
apples, at 10.30 Robt & Levi started
to town with 20 Bbls apples & 6 Bus
potatoes; Ben harrowed corn grd
Jim weeding garden - I dug
sweet potatoes & gathered 2 Bbles
apples from the tree in lawn

3'' 12 Jim Mrs Green [(col. d)] Clem
& Ben dug potatoes - I cut wood
etc after din went & paid
Edwd Boswell one note & int 116.69
& part on the other "[note] 128.31
[Total] 245.00
Pd Saml P Thomas int 12.00
" Elin G Thomas butter a/c 18.00
" John Able 1.75
" [Fairall?] 3.65

4th 13 Ben Jim & Clem digging potatoes all
day. Father & I took load of coal over to
Drayton & emptied it. Then hawled in potatoes
got 1.20 bushels in. 30 of small & rest large
Clear & windy.

5th 14th Ben Jim Mrs Green & self getting
out potatoes in the morning Father
to Laurel after Guano Father helping
men hawl in potatoes after dinner
Finished digging Buckeys. I harrowing
corn ground. Jim left this evening.

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Lines 1-20 in hand of father to RHM; 21 onwards by RHM