Page 68




Status: Complete

5th Month 1868

7th day 9th The twentieth anniversary of our
marriage, in which I can say
that we have had more than
the usual share of happiness & much,
very much to be thankful for; we
have our trials as all bear, among
them & the only union ones, the loss
of two of our nine children - what
will be the record at the end of
another like period? who can say?
& how wisely is it ordered that we
know not -

Bob & Evan hauling stone off cornfield
with Wm [Lees?] oxen, John Bery
harrowing same, I at divers job - Robt
took Rose to Whitehall, after din I went
to Club at Fred.

2d day 11th Robt & John Bery harrowing & laying
off for corn - Alban & his horse
finished plowing for corn, after din
Alban Bob Evan & I comd, plowing
under potatoes in pear & apple

3 " 12th Same as yesterday except that after
din had 2 plows & all hands
at the potatoes.

4 " 13th Heavy N E Rain until noon, cut potatoes -
after din hauled Rails from truck
patch - Rain again at 5 PM

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Writer refers to this being the 20th anniversary of his marriage, therefore cannot be Robert Hartshorne Miller completing the entries as he would be too young