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Henrietta Chichester
October 2,1975
1377th Meeting

The 1377th meeting of The Association met with Henrietta Chichester,
October 2,1975 with Helen Farquhar presiding for the absent Jean Coulter.

The minutes of the last meeting At This Place were read for information,
and those of the last meeting were read and approved as corrected.

The Treasurer, Deborah Willson, reported the same balance, $50.

The next three places of Meeting are: with Helen Farquhar at The Cedars,
November 6th, Grey's Landing, in December, and Bette Hartge, January. Bette
may have the meeting on January 2d.

For the Sentiment of the Hostess, Henrietta said she was glad to have
us. She dictated her casserole recipe which the members copied. Henny said
she crossed the Conowingo Dam as it was about to spill over. There was a
great amount of debris and waves were high.

Elizabeth Canby had received a letter from Dorothy Weske in England. She
was sorry to miss the meeting, and was going to Frankfort to meet John.

Elizabeth had small mites on her African Violets and nothing seems to kill
them. Malathion doesn't touch them. Call Beanke, a Nurseryman near Beltsville.

Rose Hutton has been wanting a nice big paint box.Since she was going to
start another class, she looked among all sorts of instrument boxes of Pete's.
One looked perfect , and she found it to be full of paints and painting equip-
ment, all in perfect shape. Could they have belonged to Aunt Amy & Aunt Elise?
There was a piece of news paper dated June ? stating that the 4th Vanderbilt
race would be run September 4th.How could she find the date? Write to the
Yacht Club.

Camille Slade read a Book Review on "Misadventures in the Skin Trade",
by Louise Reginstein. Nearly 900 species of animals have been exterminated.
Camille had no Cardinals because of the Purple Finches. When the Finches
moved out, the Cardinals came back.

Lucy Manning read a paragraph on the Canton, Nanking and Fitzhue patterns
of Blue China.

Mary Lillian Moore read a pamplet of a Lecture given about five years
ago on "How Healthy is the Emerging Religion of Youth Today?" It painted
a rather depressing picture.

Question: Does anyone know a good house painter who would be willing to work
for an organization like Friends School, when needed? Ray Dennison, Keith
Harris, and his employee, Tim Ladson were mentioned.

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