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Coulter (Cont'd)
Sept. 4, 1975

Ann Brown told of the remakable workmanship that went into the erection of
Stonehenge in England which served as a calendar for the rising and setting of the
sun & moon for those "long ago people".

As a committee report, we were told that the Hospital will be opening up the
5th Floor for use on Sept. 7th.

The Civic Association met on the 3rd and will stress the need for housing at
the up-coming meetings to consider the needs of the Olney area which includes Sandy
Spring (Brooke Road and Chandlee Mill Road) and Mt. Zion as target areas. It
was also reported that the Senior Citizens have been meeting regularly for lunch on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Friday each week at the Annex on Brooke Road. Unfornately
the bus that has been transporting some of the people will not be continuing for the

St. John's Church, Olney, will have its Antique Show on the 14th, 15th, and 16th
of Sept.

Attention was called to the fact that an article will be appearing in the Montgo-
mery Co. Sentinel this week on Cherry Grove, the George and Eugenie Riggs'home.

We adjourned to meet with Henrietta Chichester on October 2nd.

Mary Moore Miller
Secretary Pro Tem

* Boiling linens & cottons in lye is
a mercerizing process which is supposed
to strengthen them. It smoothes the surface
of the fabric and makes it shine.
Mercer was a fabric merchant.

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