Page 7


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6 revisions
rtzuses at Nov 08, 2022 08:41 PM

Page 7

7] American Home - Helen Hallowell had nothing from County Federation - It was suggested that Mariana Miller have something of interest on this subject for the next meeting. Social Service - Mary Tilton reported Twenty- five dollars worth of seals sold by the Association - A letter from the Social Service League thanking the Association for its help with the Christmas Opportunities was read - Legislation - Margaret Jones - no report. Lena Weld will discuss the tariff revision at the next meeting. Report on By Laws - Stella Moore had done nothing - will report at a later meeting.

American Home - Helen Hallowell had
nothing from County Federation - It
was suggested that Mariana Miller
have something of interest on this subject
for the next meeting.

Social Service - Mary Tilton reported Twenty-
five dollars worth of seals sold by the
Association - A letter from the
Social Service League thanking the
Association for its help with the
Christmas Opportunities was read -

Legislation - Margaret Jones - no report.

Lena Weld will discuss the tariff
revision at the next meeting.

Report on By Laws - Stella Moore had
done nothing - will report at a
later meeting.

Page 7

7) American Home - Helen Halliwell had nothing from [County?] [Federation?] - It was suggested that Mariana Miller has something of interest on this subject for the next meeting. Social Service - Mary Tilton reported [?] five dollars [?] of seals sold at the Association - A letter from the Social Service League thanking the Association for its help with the Christmas Opportunities was read - Legislation - Margaret Jones - no report. Lena Wild will discuss the [?] [?] at the next meeting. Report on By Farm - Stella Moore had done nothing. Will report at a later meeting.

7) American Home - Helen Halliwell had
nothing from [County?] [Federation?] - It
was suggested that Mariana Miller
has something of interest on this subject
for the next meeting.
Social Service - Mary Tilton reported [?]
five dollars [?] of seals sold at the
Association - A letter from the
Social Service League thanking the
Association for its help with the
Christmas Opportunities was read -
Legislation - Margaret Jones - no report.
Lena Wild will discuss the [?]
[?] at the next meeting.
Report on By Farm - Stella Moore had
done nothing. Will report at a
later meeting.