Page 5


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5 revisions
rtzuses at Nov 08, 2022 08:35 PM

Page 5

5] Fanny Iddings favored us with another instalment of Cousin Thomas J Leas' recollection of the Neighborhood many years ago. Sallie Janney - contributed an amusing story of a salesmanager. Anna Farquhar had selected a real rattlesnake story telling of the way the venom is extracted. Isabel Miller and Sarah Kirk - Nothing Helen Shoemaker said she appreciated the attention paid her by the association during her recent illness. Annie Kirk gave interesting accounts of some research work producing rubber from plants. Question - How was Ashton named?

Fanny Iddings favored us with another
instalment of Cousin Thomas
J Leas' recollection of the Neighborhood
many years ago.

Sallie Janney - contributed an amusing
story of a salesmanager.

Anna Farquhar had selected a
real rattlesnake story telling of
the way the venom is extracted.

Isabel Miller and Sarah Kirk - Nothing

Helen Shoemaker said she appreciated the
attention paid her by the association
during her recent illness.

Annie Kirk gave interesting accounts of
some research work producing rubber
from plants.

Question - How was Ashton named?

Page 5

Fanny Iddings favored us with another instalment of Cousin Thomas J Leas' recollection of the Neighborhood many years ago. Sallie Jaimey - contributed an amusing story of a salamanga Anna Farquhar had selected a real rattlesnake story telling of the way the venom is extracted. Isabel Miller and Sarah Kirk - Nothing Helen Shoemaker said she appreciated the attention paid her by the association during her recent illness. Annie Kirk gave interesting accounts of some research work producing rubber from plants. Question - How was [Ashtin?] named?

Fanny Iddings favored us with another
instalment of Cousin Thomas
J Leas' recollection of the Neighborhood
many years ago.
Sallie Jaimey - contributed an amusing
story of a salamanga
Anna Farquhar had selected a
real rattlesnake story telling of
the way the venom is extracted.
Isabel Miller and Sarah Kirk - Nothing
Helen Shoemaker said she appreciated the
attention paid her by the association
during her recent illness.
Annie Kirk gave interesting accounts of
some research work producing rubber
from plants.
Question - How was [Ashtin?] named?