Page 4




Status: Complete

Pattie Farquhar gave a receipt to keep water pipes from freezing - paint them
with equal parts of glycerine and paraffin. She also an article about the wonderful
X-ray doctor, Charles Vaillant, who had thirteen operations and finally lost both
arms, also read of the Hundredth Anniversary of John Howard Payne, author of "Home,
Sweet Home."

Rebecca Miller - an article about educating the youth for war, and a lovely
little poem called "Black Bird."

Rebecca Stabler - some funny jokes and some lovely verses, "Living and Giving."

Elise Hutton read about harmless gossip.

Sadie M. Adams gave a description of the 3,000 Japanese cherry trees in
bloom in Washington.

Elizabeth T. Stabler - an article on Rapid Transit on a moving belt.

Mary B. Hutton -- a rhyme about an electric advertising sign.

Estelle T. Moore suggested delegates to go to the County Federation.
Sadie M. Adams
Elise Hutton
Rebecca M. Stabler
Fannie B. Snowden
Mary Gilpin
Pattie T. Farquhar

Mary Gilpin - an article about the negroes of this country from the Christian

Mrs. Nichols read "Little by Little" from Current Opinion, about the consolidation
of all good in the world.

It was moved and seconded that we apply to the State Federation of Women
Clubs for membership.

Julia A. Hallowell,

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