Page 85


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4 revisions
rtzuses at May 13, 2023 07:27 PM

Page 85

{(Sunnyside, con.). 83}

out where she has least need of bulging, skimp
her where she is scantiest, and generally make
a satanic endeavor to turn her into an expensive
scare-crow. The fashion plates of to-day! Faugh!”

The Sec’y suggested that each member bring
a photograph or picture of the “sensible modes of
long ago” to the next meeting of our society.

Louisa T. Brooke wanted the children of this
neighborhood and elsewhere, taught to swim, which
was evidently the desire of all present. She also
called attention to the great ravages of noxious
insects in the destruction of plant life, from
hot house plants to the largest forest trees, - none
are exempt from some dangerous pest that
flies or crawls. or hatches out upon them.

Harriet I Lea read an incident in the early
married life of Henry Ward Beecher, who, too
poor to purchase carpets for his little home,
bought a bale of cotton which his thrifty wife
had woven into a stout fabric which she nailed
down in the attic and proceeded to paint garlands
of roses upon until the effect was said
to be “too pretty to walk on” by a visitor who was
about to enter their parlor. HIL.’s 2nd selection was
a couplet that the Sec’y once knew perfectly, but fears
it is not now quoted exactly right, -

“A crowd of troubles passed him by
While he with courage waited
He said, ‘Where do you troubles fly
When you are thus belated?’

We go in search of those who mourn
And tread life’s paths dejected.
Who rue the day that they were born, -
We go where we’re expected.”

Eliz. T. Stabler gave a graphic sketch of
her recent trip to Catalina Island. The wonderful
Aquarium, Moonstone Beach where Abalone
and other beautiful semi-jewels may be
picked up at any time, the mountains all
cacti in the southern slope, and good pasture
on the northern, the wild goats fast becoming
few in numbers, and the large fleet of boats, conveying
tourists to view the submarine gardens, one

Page 85

(Sunnyside, con.). 83

out where she has least need of bulging, skimp
her where she is scantiest, and generally make
a satanic endeavor to turn her into an expensive
scare-crow. The fashion plates of to-day! Faugh!”

The Sec’y suggested that each member bring
a photograph or picture of the “sensible modes of
long ago” to the next meeting of our society.

Louisa T. Brooke wanted the children of this
neighborhood and elsewhere, taught to swim, which
was evidently the desire of all present. She also
called attention to the great ravages of noxious
insects in the destruction of plant life, from
hot house plants to the largest forest trees, - none
are exempt from some dangerous pest that
flies or crawls. or hatches out upon them.

Harriet I Lea read an incident in the early
married life of Henry Ward Beecher, who, too
poor to purchase carpets for his little home,
bought a bale of cotton which his thrifty wife
had woven into a stout fabric which she nailed
down in the attic and proceeded to paint garlands
of roses upon until the effect was said
to be “too pretty to walk on” by a visitor who was
about to enter their parlor. HIL.’s 2nd selection was
a couplet that the Sec’y once knew perfectly, but fears
it is not now quoted exactly right, -

“A crowd of troubles passed him by
While he with courage waited
He said, ‘Where do you troubles fly
When you are thus belated?’

We go in search of those who mourn
And tread life’s paths dejected.
Who rue the day that they were born, -
We go where we’re expected.”

Eliz. T. Stabler gave a graphic sketch of
her recent trip to Catalina Island. The wonderful
Aquarium, Moonstone Beach where Abalo[ne?]
and other beautiful semi-jewels may be
picked up at any time, the mountains all
cacti in the southern slope, and good pasture
on the northern, the wild goats fast becoming
few in numbers, and the large fleet of boats, conveying
tourists to view the submarine gardens, one