Page 67


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3 revisions
rtzuses at May 13, 2023 07:01 PM

Page 67

(Plainfield, con). 65

“Harken, when through the land,
Speed whispers of war on every hand,
Ye will hear the women croon
Their wailing world-wide rune
T’were well, O Masters to listen and understand”.

Ellen Farquhar bemoans the dread house-cleaning
time that is upon us when all things
must be pulled into the light of day, and we
put our old cracked china and our old laces
back into the same places year after year, and
when we die along comes the Junk man and
off go our treasures.

Anna G. Lea’s piece was on “Afternoon”,
how we live over and over and over again the times of
our childhood, if they have been full of bright
happy days. We will only remember the
sunshine. Then comes a change, and the
building of our new homes. Then the “Afternoon”
and our “Faith may be tested in the Afternoon of
Life, but in the well-regulated life, the Star of
Hope is ever in the ascendency.”

Virginia Steer tells us a marvelous
story of one man’s work and perseverance, -
John Bartram who made the first Botanical
Gardens in America. When younger he explored
some of the Great Lakes, and at a very old age
he traveled through the Carolinas and Florida
and explored the St. John’s River. His gardens
were visited by Washington and others. He
planted one pear tree that bore fruit 147 yrs.
His garden is to-day a part of Phila’s Park.
He was a slave to no sect, but looked through
nature up to nature’s God.

Hallie Lea told us of “The need of Silence”, -
“Great things come out of silence. We must keep
a zone of silence about ourselves, and have an
hour or two alone every day.” But she says
to be a hustler now-a-days a man must
eat breakfast in Harrisburg, and supper in Phila.

Estelle Moore read of “The only child”, -
she called it “Being an Only”. they are always
lonely or burdened by the doings and wishes
of all the members on both sides of the family.
“The Only” must look like them all, and go

Page 67

(Plainfield, con). 65

“Harken, when through the land,
Speed whispers of war on every hand,
Ye will hear the women croon
Their wailing world-wide rune
T’were well, O Masters to listen and understand”.

Ellen Farquhar bemoans the dread house-cleaning
time that is upon us when all things
must be pulled into the light of day, and we
put our old cracked china and our old laces
back into the same places year after year, and
when we die along comes the Junk man and
off go our treasures.

Anna G. Lea’s piece was on “Afternoon”,
how we live over and over and over again the times of
our childhood, if they have been full of bright
happy days. We will only remember the
sunshine. Then comes a change, and the
building of our new homes. Then the “Afternoon”
and our “Faith may be tested in the Afternoon of
Life, but in the well-regulated life, the Star of
Hope is ever in the ascendency.”

Virginia Steer tells us a marvelous
story of one man’s work and perseverance, -
John Bartram who made the first Botanical
Gardens in America. When younger he explored
some of the Great Lakes, and at a very old age
he traveled through the Carolinas and Florida
and explored the St. John’s River. His gardens
were visited by Washington and others. He
planted one pear tree that bore fruit 147 yrs.
His garden is to-day a part of Phila’s Park.
He was a slave to no sect, but looked through
nature up to nature’s God.

Hallie Lea told us of “The need of Silence”, -
“Great things come out of silence. We must keep
a zone of silence about ourselves, and have an
hour or two alone every day.” But she says
to be a hustler now-a-days a man must
eat breakfast in Harrisburg, and supper in Phila.

Estelle Moore read of “The only child”, -
she called it “Being an Only”. they are always
lonely or burdened by the doings and wishes
of all the members on both sides of the family.
“The Only” must look like them all, and go