Page 51


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5 revisions
Princess1 at Apr 14, 2022 02:09 PM

Page 51

(Mt. Airy, con.) 49 story of the visit of two old Friends to Pres. Lincoln, during the sorrowful 60’s, with the object of inducing him to free the slaves and there seems little doubt their appeal turned the scale at a critical period and the Emancipation Proclamation followed. Eliz. I. Scott of Balto. Co. told of burying Chestnuts to keep them soft, some others placed them in jars, sprinkled them with salt, (through them) and kept the jar in the cellar. Our pleasant guest from another active Home Int. Club also said her brother- in-law, a forester in Oregon, had written of the gathering of pussy willow branches which were shipped to N. Y., and forced to bloom very early for that market. Albina O. Stabler gave a list of things people wrote to the “American Magazine” they were thankful for, - Good husbands and wives, a small home free of debt, one serviceable thumb still left after an accident, for friends, for an unselfish husband. Pattie T. Farquhar had a good little verse, - “Our Heavens are nearer than we think For all around us they lie In the beautiful deeds of the lives we live, And not in a distant sky.” and secondly a few lines of prose declaring that “A Cheerful temper will make beauty attractive, knowledge delightful and wit good natured, - it will lighten sickness, poverty and affliction.” Margaret B. Magruder recited verses written by the gifted Sarah B. Stabler who had heard a lively young girl wish she were “a rich widow”, - “Forgive her for she knows not yet The lone, deserted hearth, She had not seen life’s sun to set In one most dear of earth. She would be rich, but riches brought By such a severed tie, Would be accounted less than naught, Because they could not buy Again on earth the moments bright Which had forever taken flight.” The pitiable condition of the Musgrove family,

(Mt. Airy, con.) 49

story of the visit of two old Friends to Pres. Lincoln,
during the sorrowful 60’s, with the object of inducing
him to free the slaves and there seems
little doubt their appeal turned the scale at a critical
period and the Emancipation Proclamation followed.

Eliz. I. Scott of Balto. Co. told of burying Chestnuts
to keep them soft, some others placed them in
jars, sprinkled them with salt, (through them) and
kept the jar in the cellar. Our pleasant guest from
another active Home Int. Club also said her brother-
in-law, a forester in Oregon, had written of the
gathering of pussy willow branches which were
shipped to N. Y., and forced to bloom very early
for that market.

Albina O. Stabler gave a list of things
people wrote to the “American Magazine” they
were thankful for, - Good husbands and wives,
a small home free of debt, one serviceable thumb
still left after an accident, for friends, for an unselfish husband.

Pattie T. Farquhar had a good little verse, -
“Our Heavens are nearer than we think
For all around us they lie
In the beautiful deeds of the lives we live,
And not in a distant sky.”
and secondly a few lines of prose declaring that

“A Cheerful temper will make beauty attractive,
knowledge delightful and wit good natured, - it will
lighten sickness, poverty and affliction.”

Margaret B. Magruder recited verses written
by the gifted Sarah B. Stabler who had heard
a lively young girl wish she were “a rich widow”, -
“Forgive her for she knows not yet
The lone, deserted hearth,
She had not seen life’s sun to set
In one most dear of earth.

She would be rich, but riches brought
By such a severed tie,
Would be accounted less than naught,
Because they could not buy
Again on earth the moments bright
Which had forever taken flight.”

The pitiable condition of the Musgrove family,

Page 51

(Mt. Airy, con.) 49 story of the visit of two old Friends to Pres. Lincoln, during the sorrowful 60’s, with the object of inducing him to free the slaves and there seems little doubt their appeal turned the scale at a critical period and the Emancipation Proclamation followed. Eliz. I. Scott of Balto. Co. told of burying Chestnuts to keep them soft, some others placed them in jars, sprinkled them with salt, (through them) and kept the jar in the cellar. Our pleasant guest from another active Home Int. Club also said her brother- in-law, a forester in Oregon, had written of the gathering of pussy willow branches which were shipped to N. Y., and forced to bloom very early for that market. Albina O. Stabler gave a list of things people wrote to the “American Magazine” they were thankful for, - Good husbands and wives, a small home free of debt, one serviceable thumb still left after an accident, for friends, for an unselfish husband. Pattie T. Farquhar had a good little verse, - “Our Heavens are nearer than we think For all around us they lie In the beautiful deeds of the lives we live, And not in a distant sky.” and secondly a few lines of prose declaring that “A Cheerful temper will make beauty attractive, knowledge delightful and wit good natured, - it will lighten sickness, poverty and affliction.” Margaret B. Magruder recited verses written by the gifted Sarah B. Stabler who had heard a lively young girl wish she were “a rich widow”, - “Forgive her for she knows not yet The lone, deserted hearth, She had not seen life’s sun to set In one most dear of earth. She would be rich, but riches brought By such a severed tie, Would be accounted less than naught, Because they could not buy Again on earth the moments bright Which had forever taken flight.” The pitiable condition of the Musgrove family,

(Mt. Airy, con.) 49

story of the visit of two old Friends to Pres. Lincoln,
during the sorrowful 60’s, with the object of inducing
him to free the slaves and there seems
little doubt their appeal turned the scale at a critical
period and the Emancipation Proclamation followed.

Eliz. I. Scott of Balto. Co. told of burying Chestnuts
to keep them soft, some others placed them in
jars, sprinkled them with salt, (through them) and
kept the jar in the cellar. Our pleasant guest from
another active Home Int. Club also said her brother-
in-law, a forester in Oregon, had written of the
gathering of pussy willow branches which were
shipped to N. Y., and forced to bloom very early
for that market.

Albina O. Stabler gave a list of things
people wrote to the “American Magazine” they
were thankful for, - Good husbands and wives,
a small home free of debt, one serviceable thumb
still left after an accident, for friends, for an unselfish husband.

Pattie T. Farquhar had a good little verse, -

“Our Heavens are nearer than we think
For all around us they lie
In the beautiful deeds of the lives we live,
And not in a distant sky.”
and secondly a few lines of prose declaring that

“A Cheerful temper will make beauty attractive,
knowledge delightful and wit good natured, - it will
lighten sickness, poverty and affliction.”

Margaret B. Magruder recited verses written
by the gifted Sarah B. Stabler who had heard
a lively young girl wish she were “a rich widow”, -

“Forgive her for she knows not yet
The lone, deserted hearth,
She had not seen life’s sun to set
In one most dear of earth.

She would be rich, but riches brought
By such a severed tie,
Would be accounted less than naught,
Because they could not buy
Again on earth the moments bright
Which had forever taken flight.”

The pitiable condition of the Musgrove family,