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(Ingleside, con.) 59

walk of some distance except in very stormy weather.
H. R. S. also had a clipping upon, “The Value of
Time in N. Y.” The people of that city were
declared to be “half-crazed” in their efforts to save
a moment or two on their way to business, and
then were able to waste ½ hour with equanimity.

Louisa T. Brooke told of the suffering and danger
of four men in Nev. during the recent heavy snow
storms. They were in a tent covered with snow
12 ft. deep for a whole wk. and finally managed
to extricate themselves and reach a place of
safety and aid. Some information was
given about that vast little-known section
of South America from Peru to the head-
waters of the Amazon and almost to its mouth
in one direction. Remains of wonderful old
cities have been found, some believed to be thou-
sands of years old and a road 1500 miles long
and only 6 ft. wide was discovered. Cannibals
frequent these wilds, the forests are dense, and
strange unfriendly animals and snakes, to say
nothing of deadly diseases, beset the path
of the explorer at every stage. Our Ex-Pres-
who apparently thrives upon such trials and
tribulations, will doubtless have many hair-
breadth escapes to recount soon at several
dollars a line. Mariana Miller,
after an urgent invitation, gave us some
acct. of the Calif. experiences of her sister
Elizabeth, who had just been to beautiful
Catalina Island, and will soon be on her
way to S. S., via San Francisco and the home
of her cousins Stabler, daughters of the late
Sam’l Stabler of Harewood.

Sarah T. Miller had brought an amusing
satire upon “Yellow-Germists” in the newspapers
of the day. These essays and scraps of news
them with references to all the terrible ills
we can scarcely hope to escape, for we are
assured, ‘"danger lurks in air, earth, water, even
in Penelope’s lips"! The sum of the whole appear
ed to be that a calm mind, and plenty of water
would rob us of many delusions, and we were
advised to keep steady all the time, and drink

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