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(Grove Hill, con.). 43
should fall upon them without any further effort
than is required to make them open their eyes
and ears.
Mrs. Brigham interested us in the Civic Club
of Brookings, South Dakota. First is established a
hospital and then a library, the latter has been taken
over by this enterprising little city and in another
year it expects to have a fine Carnegie one instead.
Martha T. Hopkins kindly recited a poem she
knew in girlhood, - the story of an old sampler inscribed,
“The work of Eliz, aged nine”, and Letitia
Kummer after expressing her pleasure in attending
the Asso. once more after many years of absence
gave a description of another old sampler made by
her mother, the late Mary Chandlee of tender memory.
Ellen Farquhar our war-like advocate of universal
peace, evinced by the vigorous poem of Israel
Zangwill appended, that her convictions are as
strong as ever.
“To safeguard peace we must prepare for war”—
I know that maxim; it was forged in hell.
The wealth of ships and guns inflames the vulgar
And makes the very war it guards against.
The God of War is now a man of business.
With vested interests.
So much sunk Capital, such countless callings
The Army, Navy, Medicine, the Church –
To bless and bury – Music, Engineering,
Red-tape departments, Commissariats,
Stores, Transports, Ammunition, Coaling-stations,
Fortifications, Cannon-foundries, Shipyards,
Arsenals, Ranges, Drill-halls, Floating Docks,
War-loan Promoters, Military Tailors,
Camp-followers, Canteens, War Correspondents,
Horse-breeders, Armorers, Torpedo-builders,
Pipeclay and Medal Vendors, Big Drum Makers,
Gold Lace Embroiderers, Opticians, Buglers,
Tent-makers, Banner-weavers, Powder-mixers,
Crutches and Cork Limb Manufacturers,
Balloonists, Mappists, Heliographers,
Inventors, Flying Men, and Diving Demons,
Beelzebub and all his hosts, who, whether
In Water, Earth or Air, among them a pocket
When Trade is brisk a million pounds a week!
[end insert]
Mary E. Thomas, Eliz C.
Davis, and Mary E.
Gilpin were chosen
to represent us at the
mtg. of The County Federation
of Clubs on
9/18/13 at Rockville.
After luncheon the
whole company enjoyed
the quaint attractive
furnishing of this
lovely old home, and
the beautiful view from
the back piazza, - hill
and vales, woods, cultivated
fields, homesteads large and small, and
the pretty winding river made a picture not
excelled, we believe, in all of Sandy Spring.
It is evident the new mistress of Grove Hill
will make no violent changes, and that one of
the most harmonious and tasteful places we
have ever visited is likely to retain its old charm
individuality. The Sec’y. closed the exercises
with a review of the life of “Lewis Carroll,” author
of “Alice in Wonderland”, which she had found
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