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Brooke Meadow


On 7-3-1913 Sallie R. Janney received the Asso.
at Brooke Meadow one of the most attractive and
interesting old homes in Sandy Spring. Guests
were Catherine K. Janney, Mary Hutton and daughters,
Anna V. B. Bentley of Balto., Mrs. Taylor, and Alice
Sellers of Wilmington, Helen R. Shoemaker, Florence
Hallowell, Ethel H. Janney, Eliz. Moore, and Mrs.
Spilman. The sentiment from "Lucile" was much
appreciated, and the Secy., forgetting how many
times "Belmont" has swarmed, concluded to copy
it at home, only to find that the volume had
flown away to a new household.

Ellen Farquhar gave some amusing paragraphs
from "The Farm Journal". A little boy on
being asked to define the word vacuum replied,
"I have it in my head, but I can't just think of "

Alice Tyson read, from a club
book, of an invalid who saw a face on the wall
of his bedroom which he was certain belonged
to a living man, just as we were all listening
with bated breath it turned out to be only a dream.

Estelle T. Moore had a few verses..
from Ella Wheeler Wilcox entitled, "As You Go Through Life."

Albina O. Stabler suggested using a strip of
buttons for waists and saving sewing by the
simple device.

Fanny B. Snowden's selection from "The
Country Gentleman" was upon the spread of a
new disease "Accumulitis", - a sort of craze for
the careful saving of valueless articles, each
year and every year, until the result is a weariness
to body and soul. The city woman can
phone to The Salv. Army and the junk dealer and
dispose of or give away old clothes, tins, magazines,
bottles, rags, in fact everything in the
house not worth keeping at the price of healthfulness
and comfort. In the country there
is nothing but a bonfire often, to accomplish
the desired freedom from care of useless articles.
Throw out the old medicines, the rusty tools, the
hats and mouldy shoes, and let anyone who
wants them cast the whole mass off your premises.
Then religiously take stock of the contents of

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