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fine speech made by Dr. Parker of
the Johns Hopkins University, at the
late Suffrage meeting, in Baltimore.

Carrie L. Brooke gave some beautiful
Thanksgiving thoughts in rhyme,
the last lines were --

"Help us oh Lord! to live each day
Unawed by shame or fear,
And let they blessings fall on us,
Through all the coming year."

Her second clipping contained
some wonderful statistics with regard
to Mass. and beans, the average
to a person was about 35 qts.
a year. Our bakery turns out 800
to 1000 qts. a day. They are baked
fromm 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Anna G.
Lea read a poem upon "Old Friends,"
which she said seemed appropriate
to her return to the home of her child-
hood once more. Sarah F. Willson
aroused our sympathies by a recital
of the hard fate of Corean bachelors
who are neither allowed to labor or
to vote. On being asked for her recipe
for cooking cranberries - she said -

to one quart of cranberries take one
pint of water, boil till they pop and
then add one pint of sugar and cook
twenty minutes. Lucy S. Moore asked
how to make the best buckwheat
cakes. The favorite plan appeared
to be to mix in the proportion of 3 spoons
full of buckwheat to one each of
flour and meal with yeast and water
though some add molasses, soda,
milk and mashed potatoes according
to taste and fancy. The Secretary
had a scrap from Margaret Deband
who said that those deadly symptoms
of old age, are selfishness, stagnation

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