Page 188




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where patience 'over done"

The woes of a stout woman caused
another laugh, she always tried to
back out of vehicles and conductors
always thought she was entering and
helped her in again. Albina O.
Stabler's article was a list of answers
in reply to the question, "Why are you
thankful?" which seemed to prove
that blessings may always be found
by him who looks for them around
his abiding place, wherever that may
be. Some unanswerable queries of
small children were given, such as,
"Who was Adam?" "Why don't spiders
get caught in their own webs?" "Why
don't Time stop?" We were told that
a Mr. Irwin is experimenting on the
turkey as a means of egg supply, he
believed it quite possible to secure by
by careful breeding turkeys that
would lay most of the year, he
claimed the eggs are much superior
to those of a hen, as intelligent farmers
are ready to take up new things
it is hoped another kind of revenue
may have been suggested to the
hard worked housewives of the land.

Eugenia Fawcett read of the prehistoric
dwellings in the bottom of
Swiss lakes, cotemporaneous with
almost fabulous animals. In 1853
the crater of Lake Zurich was unusually
low and numerous stone implements
and utensils were brought to light. It
is believed they antedate the bronze
age by centuries. Mary S. Bond read
of the schools for feeble minded
children, just established in Massachusetts,
60 years ago by an appropriation
of $20,000 by the Legislature.

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