A Memorial in Honour of Mary Hutton,
Long a Member of the Horticultural Society
If Mary Hutton could speak to us now, I can fancy her
saying with Lord Tennyson
"Come not when I am dead,
"To drop thy foolish tears upon my grave."
She would say it with that winsome, quizzical smile that we all
knew and loved.
Her sunny countenance, her sparkling eyes reflected the
perennial youthfulness of her spirit. She never grew old -
except in years.
Mary Hutton was inherently good natured , good-humored, good-hearted.
She was a good wife, a good friend. Truly - she was
a good woman.
A third-generation member of the Horticultural Society, she
seldom missed a meeting and never failed to contribute to the
atmosphere of good fellowship some merry jest or some unique
We all loved her, - we all miss her. But let us not drop
foolish tears upon her grave.
Rather let us cherish the legacy she has bequeathed us, a
legacy more precious than gold, the priceless legacy of
pleasant memories.
Ashton, Maryland
May 3, 1948
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