A rare Pogonia Verticillata, a member of the
orchid family, was exhibited by Mr. Hurrey who had found
it in his lovely Glen. He was urged by all to replant
it. His sample of the "edible" morel (see the Thomases)
was a curiosity more resembling a snake's head than
a mushroom. Our diet might also, he added, include
fried fiddleheads - alias baby cinnamon fern fronds.
Specimen flowers were brought from Clermont,
Concord, The Little House, Millwood and Alloway,
and The Cedars. Believe it or not, The Cedars displayed
1947 and 1948 lettuce.
The dues collected brought our balance in the
treasury up to $11.
Mary Reading Miller reported that there is to be
formed an association to provide for a public
library in connection with the Sherwood School
library. It is hoped every one will give at least
a dollar and so become a member of the association.
We are very sorry, indeed, that the Stantons
are moving out of the neighborhood, and that we must,
therefore, accept their resignation. A membership
committee consisting of Robert Miller, Helen
Farquhar and Elizabeth Ligon was asked to become
After the queries we went out to see the
Highlands ' garden. Whether it is that Robert Miller
cooperates with nature, or nature cooperates with
Robert Miller, - anyway, his peas planted the 14th
of March bloomed today in honor of the Horticultural.
ISW sec
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