August, 1947
It was hard to take the Adamses' word that
they had suffered from the wet weather and scarcity
of labor common to the rest of us, when we
gathered at Ten Oaks for the July meeting. Everything
looked very fine, as all the Adamses are experts on
everything from sawdust to orchids.
The meeting was called to order under the
huge oak tree. Lofton Wesley, vice-president,
conducted proceedings in the absence of the
president. The minutes were read.
The matter of sawdust was brought up by Leon
Small whoread about its possibilities from the
Journal of the California Horticulture Society.
Although sawdust is not a fertilizing material,
and is depressing in action on the soil where it
is used, it is a good, acid, garden mulch. It
makes for ease of water penetration, and serves as
an aerator for heavy soils. The equivalent of
2% nitrogen should be applied as a supplement to
the sawdust to counteract its nitrogen-decreasing
effect on the soil. Andrew Adams is experimenting
with its use also.
Elza Thomas, whom we hope to have back with
us soon again, sent the House and Garden forethought
notes: Feed roses not later than the 15th.
Cut old raspberry canes. Get some new watering
devices that produce slow soil soaking. How
about irrigating? Plant evergreens in August.
Keep snipping off faded annual blossoms.
The Highlands, Sharon and The Cedars each
exhibited nine or more vegetables, not counting
separately Sharon's four kinds of squash or
The Highlands' four pound potato.
Robert Miller for the Nominating Committee
happily recommended the family of Floyd and
Martha Nesbitt, for consideration as members, -
which we will be charmed to do the ensuing month.
Edward Iddings as meteorologist reminded
us how July was right cool, the average temperature
having been 68°.
Questions and Answers:
The pretty grass under our feet was one of the
fescues, the shade-tolerating species.
The new growth of poison ivy must be
sprayed with 2-4D three or four weeks after the
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