Page 19




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Mrs. Massey asked if something could
not be done to take Ashton cornermore safe.
The Prisident, Mr. Brooke was asked to interview Mr. Beall and The Commissioners, about moving the present
sign back about six feet.

Cousin Marianna Miller asked when and how
to sow Mushroom spron. No one seemed to know much
about it, but the general opinion seemed to be Aug.
or Sept. for the time. Several spoke of the scarsity
of Mushroon now.

There seems to be a difference of opinion
about Bush Limas. Those who extoled them last spring
are still extoling them, reporting bumper crops. Those
who tried them this year, "just once more," declare
it will be the last time, as they have not gotten
any results at all.

Only six of the families present fill
their ice houses, most of them feeling that the
ice-man is cheaper, cleaner, and easier.

"When should you stopp cutting grass"?
The last of Sept. was conceded to be late enough.

Privet Hedge is usually planted in two
rows, in twelve inch trenches six inches apart. Put
the plants in the trenches alternately, also six
inches apart.

Cover Rhubarb for about six inches with
barn yard manure, in the fall, in the spring take it
odd gradually, until the crown is uncovered.

Cousin Roger Farquhar is going to have
a nintith birthday on Tuesday Oct. 4. so the next
meeting of the Society will be the next day at Cloverly.

Helen Farquhar and Mary Starler were the
readers appointed, after which we adjourned to look

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