Page 7
Miss. McKay asked for verbinias and Begonias
her's having died during the winter.
Mrs. Estelle Moore told of how del-
icious Rhubarb is when "put up" in cold water.
The Secretary told of killing a thriv-
ing poison ivy vine by using quantities of coal-
oil around the roots.
Mrs. Green puts parsley seed in a bag and burries
it for about a week before she plants it. This
gives it a good start and it comes up very much
more rapidly.
Brooke Grove heartily approves of
Bush Limas, the Ford Hook being the best. Plant
eighteen inches apart a little earlier than you
would the others. The Sumer rains do not seem to
affect them so much.
Mrs. Massey and Cousin Cornelia were
appointed Readers for next time, May, when we will
meet at Falling Green for Supper.
Mary Reading Nichols.
Mary Reading Nichols. Sec'ty.
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