Page 3




Status: Indexed


With the blossoming of the flowers and the return
of the birds comes a new sense of our loss of one whose
spirit, even in the late autumn of life, was ever full of the
zest and vigor of springtime. Ellen Farquhar, a life-long
member of this society, was not only a horticulturalist
of wide knowledge and unusual skill, but an individual whose
personality consistently exemplified the great principle
of growth inherent in the seeds and plants she loved to work
with. Of her it could never be said that she had settled
down into a quiet and placid old age; her keen mind, her many
enthusiasms, her few strong antagonisms, and, above all, her
great love for and interest in people kept her active in
the currents of life that moved about her and in the world
at large. She never claimed the priveleges of old age, and
old age passed her by.

Always she loved the out-of-door world, and lived
close to nature as few peopele do. As a teacher she created
in many of her pupils an interest in Botany which has persist-
ed until the present. When se retired from her profession
she gave much of her time to the raising of vegetables and
flowers at The Cedars, and in her contacts with her friends,
as well as through this organization, was a center of helpful
advice for those less skilled in gardening. Many people in
the neighborhood cherish plants which "Cousin Ellen" - always
the most generous of persons - has given to them. Rising at
dawn and eating a frugal breakfast, she would go promptly
into her garden, and there on most fine days and on many
not so fine might be found with hoe or spade or shears.

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