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On October fifteenth, the Horticultur-
al met at Edgewood-nothing more need really be said
about what a delightful neeting we had-for to all
of us Edgewood is synonimous with beautiful surround
ings and gracious hospitality.

After luncheon the meeting was called
to order by our President,Mr. Brooke. The Minutes of
the last meeting were read and adopted as read.The
selected articles were then called for.
CousinHelen Hallowell read for Mr. A.
G. Thomas
an article on ferns by Dr. Stile of Mill-
wakee. One bit of information well to remember, is that
the Boston fern is the hardiest of house ferns.

Miss. Mary Brooke had her House-guest
read for her an article which particularry appealed
to us. It told of Main, Iowa, and Kentucky all hav-
forbidden the unsightly Bill Boards being erected on
their main highways.

Mrs. Shackleford, and Edgewood guest,
form Kentucky gave us an old Kentucky receipt for
cooking a ham... Soak for a day, put into a large
lardcan, cover with water, put in six large winter
apples, skin and all, one pound of brown sugar, three
pods of red pepper; let steam for fourteen hours,
skin and bake as always.

Forethought told us to keep fighting
weeds, The way to propogate dogwood is to gather the
red berries, mash, dry and plant, about one inch deep.

The assistant Secretary reported very
fine displays-a very lovelu basket of flowers which
Mrs. Hagerman, a guest brought, came in for it's
share of admiration.

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