Club Minutes: The Home Interest Society, 1870-1876





so we were favored by her with an article on asparagus culture

The second reader being absent Mary B Thomas offered some extracts from a history of Ellicotts Mills. Readers for next time Edward P. Thomas and Mary Bond. Adjourned to meet at Belmont May 27th

10th Meeting

The Interest met at Walter H Brooke's 6 Mo 24th 1871 There having been no meeting at E.P. Thomas's as appointed at the meeting at Norwood 4th mo 20th in consequence of the illness and death of one who belonged to us all and will long be mourned, but only as we mourn the pure in heart.

A heavy thunder storm prevented the attendance of some of the members Philp & Cornelia Stabler, Dr Frank & Beulah Thomas, Wm & Mary Bond, Asa & Albiba Stabler

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir


We had for visitors Sallie Caulis, Sue Leggett Debbie & Alban Brooke, Lottie & Walter Pleasants, & Mary B. Kirk.

Benjamin H Miller was made forman, and the secretary being absent (as usual) Pattie R. Stabler served pro tem.

The storm prevented a walk aroud to see the views which we know are fine, and the garden which we heard was good

The meeting was called to order after the usual hour, the minutes of last meeting read, & the following questions asked.

1st. Will the insects on Wm Moores cherries injure the trees ? It is thought they will & no one seemed able to give a remedy.

2 Do any members think it worth while to battle with fate against the flies ? Not much, some thought it would answer the purpose to burn them with alcohol, by saturating a rag & setting fire to it.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir


3 How & when to prune currant bushes? In the early spring and take out all the old wood.

4 How do the ladies make currant Jelly ? Each one her own way. But Sarah Miller gave a new receipt. Boil the juice and pour hot on the sugar pint to pound, stirring till dissolved then put in glasses.

5 How soon to clean out strawberry bed ? As soon as done bearing, then mulch in fall with leaves or straw

6. When is the right time to plant cucumbers for pickles ? July

7. When to plan celery & How ? As soon after the present date as possible, in trenches, & the more trouble taken to plant it the less trouble to hill it after.

8 How long will gooseberry bushes bear ? some think no difference, if they are trimmed in new growth left to bear every year..

9 Is it too late to plant sweet corn ? No

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir


not till the middle of July. The 4th a safe time. Tho. many plant later.

10th Have any of the members found any differences in early & late planting of tomatoes? Not very much. Planting on poor land & using guano will hasten their ripening.

11 Is it too late to plant potatoes? No will New potatoes grow & make another crop & will the 12th of July do to plant them? Yes if you plant the early Rose. one of the appointed readers, Mary Bond was absent. Isaac Hartshome read Edward Thomas's selection of Sarsfield Youngs thoughts on Health a humorous article that caused much merriment.

Frederick Stabler and Anna L Moore were appointed to read at the next meeting at E. P. Thomas's the 22d of July.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir


11th Meeting

The " Home Interest " met at Belmont on the 22 of 7th Mo 1871 and discussed many questions of interest concerning indoors and out. We enjoyed conversation in the house until Asa M. Stabler was made foreman when we visited the garden and other out door attractions. The vegetables were in a flourishing condition and gave evidence of fertilizers and good cultivation

Quest 1 What is the cause of blight in Wm Moores Cabbage ? It was left undecided but he was advised to replant and use Mm S. Bonds J.X.L.

2 Do large white worms eat strawberry plants? several instances were given where they had injured peanuts, but a sovereign remedy was to be found in Wm. S. Bonds J.X.L.

3. Has any body present had the "colorada bug yet? one stated that a bug described in the papers by that name has made its appearance in their garden.

Last edit over 1 year ago by Theakir
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