Club Minutes: The Home Interest Society, 1902-1906



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hens and pigeons and by adding plaster and commercial fertilizer in quantity and frequently, it is not necessary to clean out roosts until spring, when he has a large supply of mixed fertilizer that he finds far superior for vegetables to ordinary bought fertilizer or stable manure. He only allows two Lima beans to grow in a hill. He raised 200 bushels of potatoes to the acre and took the premiums at the Rockville Fair. He feeds his 300 Plymouth Rocks on wheat alone, they finding other food in their run.

John Bentley gave an interesting account of the Sherwood School now being merged into a county institution. He told of the liberality of the patrons and the bright prospects of a No. I school.

Mary B. Thomas said that one of the distinguished speakers at the last horticultural meeting at Ocean City, spoke at length on the ravages of the gypsy moth, and said the invasion of that pest made the San Jose scale a pic-nic or child's play in comparison. There are so many things threatening us from every side that someone exclaimed that it is dangerous to live in the country.

John Thomas has recently taken a patient to Freedman's Hospital and was much pleased with its cleanliness and the business-like methods there in use. Arthur Stabler says a colored man from this county by the name of Warfield, is one of their best surgeons.

Asa Stabler gave a very interesting account of a recent trip taken with Dr. Thomas from New York to Boston by

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trolley, from Boston to Portland, Me. by sea from Portland to the White Mts. and to the top of Mt. Washington by rail through Lakes Champlain and George and down the Hudson River by day steamers. Home from Laurel by private conveyance and over a road Asa manipulates himself so he can blame no one, because the only accident met with in the whole trip was a break down in the city of Spencerville, where the whole population could grin and his critical son could say, "I told you so."

Adjourned to Mt. Airy at the regular time. Francis Thomas, Sec. pro tem for the last time.

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Mr. M. T. Fussell, Secty Ashton, Ind.

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Willow Heights

Dear Friends of the Home Interest,

As my Father feels it will be impossible for him to attend the meetings of the Home Interest, or for us to entertain it again, we feel this place should be given to some

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one else, so wish to resign.

But the memories of this happy past will ever be with us.

Sincerely yours,

Virginia M. Pherson Stabler December Fifth Nineteen-ten

Last edit over 3 years ago by Christy
Displaying pages 221 - 225 of 226 in total