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343 Meeting Willow Heights Feb 17th 1902

advised getting new plants, & set out a new bed.
There was much said pro & con on the Jim Crow
Law. It is not thought time for the use of ones
name with out the prefix between the two [races?]
always speak first & set a good example. A Com
of 3 were appointed to look into the matter of Frank Lea
work annoying the colored people. Hallie Bently &
Merit Haviland to help Lou Brooke. It was not
thought an economical move for the old school room
at Rockland to go to Sherwood as a gymnasium. M.B.
Thomas good article of the Womans Suffrage Convention
to be held in Washington, B.H. Miller spoke of having
found a snake at Mt Airy 2ft 10½ in long the other day.
It was a very wise company that then adj to Willow
Heights Feb 17th.

C.H. Farquhar

The 342rd Mtg of the H.I. was held at Willow Heights Feb 17th
owing to the Womans Sufferage Convention in Washington
& a marriage in the family in N.Y. we missed some
of our members. The guests present were Mr & Mrs M. Fussel
Miss Pancrast of Va & Miss Huff of Balto. The name of Asa
Stabler was added to the Com. on charge of the Frank Lea
mission (for truly it is such). The Com. reported having
gotten a room at Sandy Spring & Lyceum Mtgs, it asked
for any old chairs, benches, or boards that could be
used as such. Some money has been raised & all who

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