Page 74




Status: Complete


Leawood Mills

water & report in rich earth in the fall.

Hammond's Slug Shot will kill rose bugs but the most
effectural way seemed to be to pick off & scald each individual bug.
If onions have been left in ground all winter
it was considered better to buy new seed rather
than trust to seed from them.
The onion question broke out again with fresh life & vigor
and many positive statements were made about them
in spite of this society having been pronounced
incompetent to even plant them. It was considered
best to mash the tops down & remove them when they
seem weak. We were told not to move onions
until we have to look for them & were advised to
give explicit directions if a colored man digs them.
One member having told such a helper to dig up her onion
sets only to find he had "done dug 'em & throwed 'em all
over the garden." Take up as soon as they dry off
as they will sprout after another rain.
Large onions have been kept in a meat house on boards
& then moved to the cellar in a dry box before freezing weather.
W. W. Moore gave his experience on the planting of onions
The half of his row which was only half covered with earth
was ready to use ten days earlier than those entirely
covered - tho' later they seemed all alike.
Upon the whole we might now be considered to have
crawled out from under the ban of ignorance
& perhaps it would be well to make onions a feature of
the Home Int. tea table to prove our ability to raise them.
The question of whether there are more catepillars than
usual this year, received the surprisingly explicit answer

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