Page 38




Status: Complete

4th What to do with carnations that came out of
the ground? Throw more earth round roots
and pin the branches down. Hot water, 20°
was recommended for removing insects from the
plants. - The inquirer used tobacco smoke very effectively,
and with less labor than the warm bath
would have been.

5th Is it too soon to uncover an asparagus bed?
No - the mulching keeps it cold and wet.

6th How can I exterminate red ants? Try powdered
borax - turpentine, or a sponge filled with sugar
and water

7th Will stones from a volunteer peach tree, bring
the same kind of fruit? Worth trying; but if
if the volunteer tree was grown from the seed
of budded fruit, its seed may not produce the
same variety. The tree referred to, was one on
Wm S. Brooke's place, that ripened delicious fruit
on the 22 of Oct.

8th Is it too late to move roses? No - Prune well.

9th Should the same earth be used a second
time in making hot beds? Yes - as far as it will
go. Woods earth from under hicory trees is excellent
for hot beds.

10th Is it too soon to take straw from Strawberry bed?
Pull out the grass & leave straw on. Others thought
the bed should be cultivated in Spring with plow
or hoe.

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