Page 6




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Clear & Cloudy
Ther. 26o SUN. JAN 3d, 1892 N.W. Wind

Cleared off during last night, and
is cold & frosty this morning. I drove
down to Nicholas Boswells, Willie
with me. This has been a cold day
the thermometer steadily falling
all day. We expected Ida to have
come over from Glenwood to day but
suppose it was too cold for them to
bring her. It commenced snowing
about 3 o'clock & the ground is
covered for the first time this
winter except once when it melted
as fast as it fell almost. But
now the ground is frozen hard and
it will ly for some time.

Cloudy & Snowy
Ther. 16o MONDAY 4th S.W. Wind

Last night was extremely cold; the
wind blowing strong all night. I felt
quite unwell, rheumatic & "lame all
over". Clifford Waters came to breakfast.
Willie took Jos. Henderson's daughter
"Ellie" to Rockville on her return
to school he drove their horse & buggy
getting home to dinner. It commenced
snowing about noon & continued
until near night, snowing very fast.
I drove down to Nicholas Boswell's
during the worst of the storm, & from
then to "Marden" to prescribe for
Mrs. M. G. Tyson again Miss Alice having
called to request me to go. Willie went
with me. Miss Connell called to see me
before school time this morning.

Cloudy & threatening
Ther. 25 TUES Jan. 5th, 1892 Variable Wind

Mrs. R.R. Moore Jr. sent for advice and
medicine (written) "Turner" came for me
to go to see Mrs. Tyson again. Willie drove
"Fritz" & went to find some wood for us.
Afternoon, he & I drove to "Marden" &
to see "Matthews" about bringing coal
from Washington. Thence down to Nicholas
Boswell's & home. Alice Peirce brought Fanny
and left her here. Clifford Waters came
to breakfast. Henson Hopkins was
here after supper for advice & medicine.

Snow, Rain, Cloudy & Clearing
Ther. 25o WEDNESDAY 6th N.E. & N.W. Wind

The snow was about 8 inches deep
this morning, it having stormed from N E
during all of last night & drizzled & sleeted
all day until towards evening. Willie
drove to Ashton & back in the sleigh.
drove down to see Nicholas Boswell's in
the cart Frank going with me. James
Holland sent us a cord of hickory
wood at two loads. We burned the
chimney in the east end of the
house. Fanny Peirce remained here

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