Page 108
78° Clear - Foggy_
JULY, FRIDAY 29th 1887.
Charley worked the
potatoes etc. next door
before breakfast with the
horse "Kit". I felt quite
unwell all day. Edward &
little Bessie are also suffering
from diarrhea.
Willie & Charley both went
out trying to collect for me
but without success. After
early supper Charley & Willie
went in the chaise cart to
Mr Rabbilt's having a Moonlight
ride home. I have felt
the heat more than any day
heretofore although it has
not been quite as hot by the
thermometer as some previous
weather we have had.
Chas: Hammond Sr was here
for advice & Medicine, also
"Ned Hill".
78° Clear "Muggy" S. E
JULY SATURDAY 30th 1887.
I felt quite unwell early
this morning but improved as
the day "wore on" R Roland Moore
& wife were here for advice &
med: for the latter. Charley and
Willie worked at the harness
the former mending & altering
& the latter greasing & cleaning.
Afternoon they both drove
to Riverside, C with "Kit" to
the road chaise & W with
"Fritz" and the buggy. & took
the two girls Eva & Marion
Stabler to a "base ball match"
at "Stanmore". & after taking
them back again & getting
their suppers there they
drove "Kit" over to Washington
Bowie's by moon light.
The weather has been very
hot & oppressive again
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