Page 136
63o Clear. S.W.
Ther. Sun. Sept 27th, 1885 Wea.
I drove down to Fletcher
Clark's to prescribe for Geo:
Grisby. We found Edwds:
pet squirrel dead in its
cage: it having died in a
"fit" probably, as it had
at least one before.
Charley & Willie rode away
on their bicycles & home
in time for Dinner.
Afternoon Willie & Dora went
to Riverside in the buggy, and
Charley on his bicycle, the latter
returned to tea, & the others
remained & spent the evening
calling at "Homewood" to see
Mary Leadbeater on their way
62. Clear. S.W.
Ther. Mon. Sept 28th, 1885 Wea
Willie commenced going
to the Academy at Brookeville
riding the bicycle.
Bro Richard called & took
his open buggy away. Willie
having painted & varnished it
for him.
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