Page 80




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68o Clear N.W.
Ther. SUN.JUNE 7th 1885 Wea.

"Quarterly Meeting" day. I
drove down to see Jno & Sarah
Johnson's boy richard.
Charley, Dover & Willie went
over to "Meeting." After
dinner Charley & Willie
drove down to Ashton for
some tobacco. Home in time
for dinner. Ernest came
& took tea with us.
After supper Charley
drove away to where he
had no business to go I
am afraid. Gusts passed
passed around us both
north & south.

68 Cloudy & Rain S.E.
Ther. MON. JUNE 8, 1885 Wea.

Threatning weather from
early in the morning.
Uncle Henson & the boy
"Henry" came. the boy finished
whitewashing the fences and
helped Henson haul out manure
until dinnertime
when he went home. Alice
& Fanny Peirce called and
spent an hour or two with
Dora. Bro R called on his
way to "Meeting". Afternoon
I trimmed the hedge. Rained
quite hard about 4. p.m.
After supper Charley drove
Bulwar's horse away to a
dance at "Outlands" I believe.

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