Page 19




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31. Cloud. N.E.
Ther. Sun. Feb.1st , 1885 Wea.

Chas Haslup here to see Charley
before he was down stairs
also Singleton Mitchell to
see me & get medicine for
Josias Bowen. After dinner
Charley & Willie went away
in the buggy driving the
roan mare to Riverside &c.
John sent his boys to do
the feeding & get some wood
I went to the barn after
dark to feed the pigs and
give the horses hay.
Wind commenced blowing
hard from N.W. in afternoon
& continued until

15. Clear. N.W.
Ther. Mon. Feb. 2, 1885 Wea.

Willie went to school
again this morning I felt
very rheumatic & did not
get up very early. Took
"Fritz" up to Tom & Jno Budd's
& had his shoes put on
again, he having recovered
from his lameness, to all
apperance. Afternoon Charley
& Willie went to Ashton in the
buggy, and I rode Fritz down
& had a settlement with
Agustus Bolivar. After supper.
Geo. Sprigg here for advice
& med for his wife, also
Herbert Dublin for advice
& med. for himself. Willie
went with Frank Snowden to a
"La Choclatiére" at Grange Hall

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