Page 5




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after the issue is out that they
find slight differences. What a
science it is nest-'ce pas?

Remember how hard that poison
has been trying to come out on
my face for the last few weeks?
well two days of country air and
doubtless proximity to the vine somewhere
has developed it beautifully.

I am glad thee can't see me - it
is not good to look at. This morning
Jean came into my bed, and after
loving me and assuring how much
he loved me he said "And [Popertie?]
must come too." I told him that
[Poperti?] would come soon whereupon
he replied "I don't want him
to come soon, I want him to come
now." He looks so much better than
when he came down - it will do
thy heart good to see his rosy
cheeks, and beautiful [deep?] bright
eyes. I do hope for a letter from thee

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