Page 5




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was the Doge Leonardo Lorendano
was rather an ugly old character, &
I want to read about him though
Smith says he was one of the most
famous of the Doges. I am also read-
ing Dante - have never read it before -
how exquisite is the description of his
meeting with the shades of poor,
Francesca di Rimini and her lover.
George Nesbitt is in such a miser
ble condition - they think he has
consumption - is it not sad, my
heart aches for poor little Ann -
she happily is a great deal better.
Sister I suppose thee knows is at
Pangaluck, and her stay there is in
definite as Cousin Joseph Baker
is all, she says dying slowly and
as she can help.Kalie she feels that
she must stay. Luile Tiet always finds
some kindness she can do somebody.

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