Page 3
the trouble and anxiety of the
winter. Has the [backer?] gone
through entirely? I should judge
so from Drs' letter, but perhaps
there is a chance yet. Does Mr.
Crank ever say any thing about it
- I can't altogether blame him
for feeling a little rancor towards
Dr. if things happened as he
told us. Well it is not our
business and we probably don't
know but one side.
We have only to be loyal friends,
and that is not always easy.
I wonder if thee can get an
official list of the "tirage" in
this Exposition lottery. I came
across my old ticket the other
day, and they are still going
on. I wish thee would try to
send me the list from the
beginning - We have not looked
at it since we left France -
I always had faith in that
ticket because I had Bobbins
[???] when I bought it.
I am just getting in that state
of desiring to see thee that I
can't wait much longer: Father
goes up nect monday could
thee come back with him -
if thee has business in Phila.
thee could do it all at once
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