Letter: Margaret Bancroft to Milton Bancroft, August 5, 1900



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Milton Bancroft, 30 East 14th St.; New York City. N. Y.

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and [silver?]. He and "Peggy" as he now calls Miss Hetty, are keeping house alone - she cooking breakfast and lunch and going out for dinner - real bohemian living. I hear nothing about the Prince Line - perhaps Dr. has written directly to them.

They can't imagine how much better I feel - I think the quiet was just what I most needed - the [twins?] have written back copiously. The ducks hid so that [Wayne] could not find them Tuesday morning- bitter dis appointment. Loving thee Margie aug 5th 1900


My dearest-

the heat is on us again - not as terrible a spell as we had in July but a genial warmth which makes shade very welcome. I hope thee is out of it. I miss thee so much but feel that we are doing right which takes away some of the sting. If ever we get a good start together again - It will take a great deal to make me leave thee and home.

Emma Stabler telephoned today that she had written to [Levin?] Lynch but had no reply so concluded he must be dead

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I told her to write to the hotel in the village which she is going to do, and then she asked if thee would make her a list of water colors necessary in outdoor sketch ing - she thought thee was such here. I told her I would write and ask thee.

Mrs. Moore has had such a bad headache for a day or two that she has been quite invalided - she is better this morning. Clara is back again I think father finds the quiet of no company in the

house well nigh unbearable.

I never knew a man so depen dent in his home on the outside influence he brings in to it. It is really pitiful to me.

There is no home life here - nothing but a constant run of company. I feel [selfish?] as the cause of the quiet at present, and have begged him not to consider me, but he is so kind always. Cousin [Dollie?] wont be able to come for some weeks as her Aunt is sick & she has boarders. [?] Appleton wrote ackowldging the certificate

Last edit 9 months ago by MaryV
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