Letter: Margaret Bancroft to Milton Bancroft, August 23, 1900



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Milton Bancroft 30 East 14th St. New York City N.Y.

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60 cts.

2005. 0028. 00366

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Norwood Aug. 23rd, 1900

My dearieI see what thee wants from me is a genuine, old fashioned egotistical letter and I don't know how to write one, but I will do the best I can. To begin at the beginning, last Saturday Mrs. Moore and I both noticed a change in the position of this boy that is a lowering which is usually a sign that things are commencing to look towards the end; so she went to see Dr. Brooke, and he said that falling some times took place three weeks or a month before the birth, and it is much better when it begins long ahead for the birth is easier. As I have had none of the symptoms which would indicate that things were hastening it is fair to suppose that the descent will be gradual, and that our first calculations are correct. I am feeling so well and have not a disagreeable to contend with since the heat left last Monday. Am sleeping soundly again, and Clara gives me such a thorough rubbing every night that I have none of that drained feeling even. I am thankful I have brought thee health as my dower since I brought no other

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Instead of thinking of the hard part of our lot let us think of the good part which is that we have each other, and a strong abiding sympathetic for to make all our days glad though many miles are between us. I know this works better just for the knowledge that I am in the world, as I go about my days with a perpetual song of thanksgiving in my heart that I have the blessing of thy strong, manly love.

Dearest, don't get blue - the very darkest is before the dawn, and there is light ahead for us. I want thee to get this before thee starts to the Catskills, and I can't write thee there because I don't know the address, and thy stay will doubtless be short. I am going to drive out this morning with Callo - Thee must not worry one bit about me - I am really feeling unusually well, and a [propos?] of big [illegible] have no fear - it is caused by [water?] which indicates an easy [illegible] so the Dr. says. All signs are fair, and I love thee, dear "To the length & breadth + depth of all my days" Margie

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