Page 5




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the children quarreling so perhaps it
is not so bad - I have felt from her letters
though that they did not get on very well.
I intended telling thee that I saw
some work by Mr. Bruestle in "Harper's
Weekly", but forgot it - glad thee met him.

I do hope thee can go to the Catskills
- a little mountain air will do the good
- thee has has no real change this
Summer. Is it not fine that the boy
is doing so well. I can picture him
playing in the boat with the broken
oar. He will swim before many years
have passed over his head. Ethel has
just made the encouraging remark that
she thinks it is "getting ready to be
awful warm agin". I have heard Fall
sounds, and the meadow is a glory of
golden rod and iron wood. Take care
of thy health, and if heat comes again
keep out of the Sun. I am always worrying
for fear thee will get heat prostration. Will
thee get me a pair of side combs - not

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