Page 4




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across the front." "yes," said Stella,
"it is a big house, and it is a good
thing Grandfather has plenty for I
don't know what we would do without
him as regards money affairs." This said
in her queer, earnest, old fashioned way.
I must tell Father when he comes back -
it will amuse him. Cousin Kate
Baker sent such a pretty dainty sack
for the boy - every one has been so
kind and thoughtful of him, and I
do appreciate it deeply. Callo is helping
me line a baby basket - Grandmother
Leggett's old stocking basket, and latterly
Jean's play basket is being pressed
into the service - I have spent exactly
six cents on materials I am using up
what I had - it is remarkable how
much one can do by making use of
the piece box. I love to make and do
the very best I can with what I have
in hand - so much for my French
training. I don't understand they not
getting letters from me, for I wrote

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very often last week - perhaps Turner did
not take them to Mr. Palmer, but I hardly
think he would dare suppress a letter.

It has been raining here for two days
The parched earth has taken on a beautiful
luscious brown color, and the cabbages stand
out from it like jewels. I think cabbages
are remarkably beautiful in their
growth and color. I have finished "The
Life of Jesus Christ" - did it ever occur
to Thee in reading the bible that there
was a warm human love between
Christ and Mary, the Sister of Lazarus?

Mrs. Ward leaves that impression
strongly in my mind without really saying or even
intimating that such was the case. The
book is worthy of very careful reading &
has given me an understanding and
sympathy with Christ that the mere reading
of the Testament never did.

I have a nice letter from Sister which
I enclose - she says nothing about the

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