Page 3
Aug. 22nd, 1900.
My dearie,
Two letters yesterday made me as
gay as a Fall cricket - but really
when Turner brought the mail yesterday
morning my heart beat so violently
that I felt as if it would burst
all bounds, for if there had been no
letter from thee I could not have
helped feeling very anxious. But there
was one, and such a dear one that
my heart has been singing for very
joy ever since. I am glad Thee saw
Father thought he would drop in
at the Studio though he assured me
he would not when he left here he
is a dear man if ever there was one.
Thee would have been amused at
a speech Stella made lately. She and
Clara were sitting in the swing talking
when suddenly the latter remarked
"What a big house this is, light windows
expensive ones, and hers Thee found the Baedeker for Mrs. Moore. if
funds are too low pay no attention to any of my requests. All love Margie
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