Letter: Margaret Bancroft to Milton Bancroft, August 18, 1900



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Milton Bancroft ; 30 East 14th St.; New York City, N. Y.

Last edit 1 day ago by mbrockway
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NEW YORK AUG 13 8-AM 19 00 N Y



Please send list of water colors.

2005. 0028. 0030b

Last edit about 9 hours ago by mbrockway
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hay house this morning - have to get exercise when and how I can. The old corn field was fine earth baked brown, stacks green and yellow and thunder clouds hanging low over all. There is a certain beauty in this Southern atmosphere after all - it seems to hang so low, and be all enveloping, and the shimmery quality of the heat is individual. I know just how horney the Studio feel after "High Life"- wish I could slip in myself, and breathe its quiet atmosphere awhile. Remember me to Mr. Crank. Love untold Margie


Norwood, August 18th, 1900 My dearie - Well at last we have some truth about this Peking affair, and I am as relieved as those poor besieged Ministers - my sympathies have been so wrought upon since the uncertainty of their fate became suspected that I am in a mentally exahusted condition in consequence.

I don't like to cry "Miserie", but the heat goes on with no apparent let up though the mercury usually stops at 89° against 98° which ought to mean a betterment.

Mrs. Moore says she feels like some kind of a hibernating beast living in a darkened room, and only venturing out after nightfall.

Last edit 1 day ago by mbrockway
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I am always so happy in my life with thoughts of thee and Jean, and good book companions that solitude is always welcome to meI love to be alone, and so have not felt the confinement at allbut the heat, "mon dieu"

A letter yesterday from Marie & Elisie which I enclose - I did not even guess why they wanted to know about Mr. MacCurdy - am sorry we can do nothing for them but even if we knew the gentleman in question it would be treading on delicate ground to recommend a man about whose business abilities we know absolutely nothing

Am glad thee has heard from Fred Hicks - hope thee will get the

portrait to do, and the Autumn will just suit thee. Father goes to New York on Monday - he has had his bags down since Friday - I am glad he is going to the Catskills - he sends thee a special message, and hopes thee will be able to go too. Is thee getting any good watermelons - they are better this year than I have ever known them - it is a true Southern fruit and certainly fits marvelously well into a spell of weather like the present.

Cousin Ellen F. called not long back - inquired particularly for thee. I walked down to the

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