Tom is up for a day or two - he
finds the weather quite "reasonable"
- glad somebody does. He has a
friend with him Capt. Webster
U.S.A. - just home from China.
Father begins not to talk as
though he thought the Republicans
would haave to make a stiff fight
to win. He has gone to play
whist this morning - "quel enthousiasme".
The Signs are still up at
the crossroads - perhaps the vandals
have concluded to let them alone
or are only lying low.
Dr. Elbrey loaned me one of the
series in "Les Contemporains" - such
a scathing life of Lola Montes -
by the way has not thee always understood
that Stevenson's wife was
[page 2] her daughter? Mrs. Moore thinks it
impossible, but I am sure Miss
Rodham herself told me, and when
she makes a statement it is apt
to be exact. Please make another
try for the tirage when thee has
time, and do go some evening
to see Aunt Mary, 244 E. 13th.
It seems many days since thee
went away - how much longer
must this life go on - courage
I found thy short pencil, and
have it put away for thee. I
hear very little of Jean - three
postals in the two weeks seems
meagre news but doubtless Sister
thinks she has written very often.
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