Letter: James Shoemaker Hallowell to Margaret Stabler Hallowell, August 18, 1832



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Post office Defae[?] 8/18 1862

Dear Wife: Got to Washington without delay or accidents & am now attending to office duties, Tho' nothing pressing just now & hence I write a few lines.

If thee approves of the enclosed lines to H., give them to him, as I thought it better to be more definite with regard to our proposed plans; so that she might know more clearly what to expect. I desire to do a fair and liberal part by him, & yet do justice to ourselves.

If Ria Bowen gets here in time, I shall go to Alxr this afternoon to get a load of furniture, which he will have for $6.25 (4 horse) he paying his own expenses. I hope he will come as I am anxious to get the goods off of my mind. It is a job truly as well as an expense to move new things up, & get it would be far more

Last edit 3 days ago by mbrockway
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serious had we now to move.

Rec' a few lines from Aunt Mary this morning introducing a very nice young lady who is teaching in the family of one of the office holders, named Burr, & whose sister was assistant teacher in their school. The name is Hilton.

I requested Uncle Cabe to procure me a set of single harness, of good quality - $21 -

I will try to meet with a carriage, tho this is a dear place to purchase any thing.

Upon further reflection I do not know that I need pay any thing more for the present to H. with regard to the proposed plan.

Dont work too hard over the workmen, bearing in mind that the world was not made in a day.

Love to the children. Affect. husband Jas. S. Hallowell

Last edit 3 days ago by mbrockway
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