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Post Office Dept 5/24 1865. Dear Wife: Well another day has passed, & Andrew is again a married man. I went over to Baltimore in the 11 o'clock train, & went to the church, a magnificent edefice at the corner of Madison & Park streets, where I found Julia [Jamieson?] & Mary, (Julia being on her way home), & Margaret Stewart, who invited me to take a seat front with the immediate friends of the parties; about 2, the party came in, four couples followed by the bride & groom. They arranged themselves in the usual order & the Rev. gentleman then performed the ceremony, after which he pronounced them man & wife. It made me feel sad to see we take the place once occupied by dear Eliza's.
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yet it is all right I Know, & I hope the present wife may prove as congenial as was Elzia. I Know she has gotten a good husband, & I hope he has an equally worthy lady for his wife. They left at once for the cars, so that I had not an opportunity to speak to them. The church was so much darkened that my old ragged coat could not be seen. I did not learn where they were going, farther than that they were going through Harrisburg, nor how long they will be absent. Bob & George were both there. Before going I saw what I could of the review, which was fully equal to yesterday's display- & the army it is thought was quite as large. On my way up the Avenue, I fell in with Edwd_ & Deborah Lea & sweet Lizzie Tyson, & also Joseph Janney & Martha Lea
I went with them as far as the President's House & remained there till 10 o'clock, & then walked deliberately down the Avenue to the Depot, & the troops were still coming, & they continued to pass from 9 till 3 - when the last of them arrived. I did not get to see father either yesterday or to-day. Alban was at the Washington Ticket office [assisting?], Tho' I did not see him. Lewis was at work naturally that I almost forgot that he had been away. I did not get to see Julia. I met Gilpin on the street this afternoon on his way to Baltimore. He says he is going home to-morrow. I found I could get first quality yellow corn in Baltimore at 85¢, delivered at the Depot, so please have our bags put in order so that they can be sent.
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down for it, as I think we had better get corn than that strip stuff. It is thought however that corn will be still lesser. I can bring the bags down with me on 2d day if you think we had better get it. It will cost 91..¢ ^(say 91) delivered at the Washington Depot, the freight being 6¢ per bushel. I suppose Eddy has gotten his corn in by this time. Kiss Pas' pet babies. Love to all. affect husband Jas. S. Hallowell
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Margaret S. Hallowell Sandy Spring Po. Montgomery Co. Md