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a large force at work, and pushed it out all around
the Dam, wherever he could. I lent him my cart
this afternoon. I am sorry it is not better ice.

Cousin George Brooke is quite unwell from cold. Miss
[Porce?] and Charley B. went to the "Ball" (in aid of the
Brookeville Academy) last night, but did not enjoy it
much, as some of the Gentlemen (?) got "uproarious" at
supper. I went to Mtg. and then home to a good
dinner (I mention this, that thy mind may be easy as D
our "inner man" [and woman] about which thee is some
times anxious), and after dinner at the request of
Ana Stabler went to [N. Y.??] to attend the Mtg. in be-
half of the Ashton, & Bonds Mill Turnpike. About
20 persons were present, and $100 subscribed. I took
two shares ($50.00) as it is an important road for wheat
growers and I have bothered others so much about roads
that I had not the moral courage to decline. The time
of payment extends through two years. It will re=
=quire $30,000, and $21,000 are now subscribed, besides
about $2000 subscribed in work. They go to Annapolis
next week to get a Charter. Warwick & Ben went
there, & reported all well. W. said he had sent to
Beltsville for Mary. When is Annie coming? I
called to see Uncle Wm. who is not very well. He and
Aunt Mgt. seemed glad to hear that thee was enjoying
thyself. I called at [?Harriet?] & delivered thy mes=
=sages. Kate seems to think a good deal of thee, as in=

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