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No 8

Rockland 2 mo 23rd 1870
Fourth Day Evening.

Dear S,
I am afraid this will be a poor return for
the pleasure thy letters give us, for I have been "on the
go" all day, had no nap, am just through hearing the
childrens lessons, and feel generally tired and uninteresting.
After closing my letter yesterday aft. and
just before I started to [Lynden?], [Sister?], Nancy & Madge walked
in. They were very agreeable, and Nancy accepted an invitation
to stay all night. I had a little fire made
in the front room, as well as in ours and put Henry &
Frank over there, Robt. in the Crib, Cornelia with me,
and Edith by herself in the Trundle Bed. We had
another good night, and a real first rate breakfast
at very little after 7.. oclk. Frank went to school &
does not seem any the worse for it. After breakfast I
[started?] the men over to the Dam and soon followed
after but found the ice so "rotten" (inelegant but correct
and expressive) and so difficult to land that
we only got one load. I find the house is 3/4 full and
keeping nicely. This load more than replaces what was melted,
and the house is so large that I think we will
get through the summer. Alban Gilpin has been very
busy all day and will get his house full. He had

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