Letter: Harriet Iddings to (Caleb) Edward Iddings, December 19, 1861



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Woodside Dec' 19th 1861

Dear Edward: It seems very strange for me to write a letter particularly to thee but thee will be glad I doubt not to hear that we are all right sharp, and altho' I miss thee very much am not unhappy for I know thee is enjoying thyself. unless some of thee friends are ill or some thing of the kind over which we have no control.

Our babies are both asleep and I am rocking them of course Charley has been a very good boy and right well and Deborah has not had any of her hard crying spells. We feel very anxious to hear how you got along

Last edit 11 months ago by Jannyp
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the day you started whether you went all the way to Riverside you were almost constantly in my thoughts that day and I can say as thee said before thee went away that there would not be five minutes in thy waking hours that thee would not think of us. I hope to get a letter from thee on seventh or second day, and I shall look very anxiously for you on seventh day the 28th but will try and not feel disappointed if you do not get here untill the following Tuesday.

We have not been troubled with company good bad or indifferent. This is but a note my dear Edward and a miserable poor one at that, but thee will excuse it I think: for thee knows how very seldom it is that I write any.

Last edit 12 months ago by MaryV
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Mother and Ellie have both been very busy finishing up the hog balling work but are pretty well through with it now. Mother send much love to both and say to try and enjoy your selves all you can for you will have to go to work at the wood pile hard when you get back

Enos Drenner cut us up a good pile of wood today and we feel a hope by being very saving it will last some days at least, but I will have to quite as it is almost bed time, much love to all thee friend and thee know how much I have for thee,

Affectionately thine Harriet J. Iddings

P.S. Nellie is doing fine I think,

Last edit 11 months ago by Jannyp
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