Letter: Carrie Miller to Anna Farquhar, April 18, 1867



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Alexandria April 18th 1867 Fifth-day night

My dear Annie --

Thy welcome letter was received about one week ago, and the expressions of interest & affection in it were truly gratifying to me. I was glad to find thee was willing to "let by-gones be by-gones" and love me a little, if not for my own sake, on Rogers account. I was very conscious that there had been a coolness in thy manner for several years past, and undervalued the cause, but am very willing to forget it now, and feel sure that there will never be anything of the kind to complain of again.

I hope Rogers friends will not be disappointed in me, and if an earnest desire to do what is right will be of any avail, they will not be. As to living in the country, instead of its being a trial to me, will be just what I desire. As thee said, "'Tis home where'er the heart is" and independent of that, I love the country and am so much better when there.

Give my love to Charlie. I was very much disappointed when I failed to find his note after searching the envelope and the floor around me. I thought I had dropped it on first opening. Why did he not send it? I am truly sorry to hear he does not approve of this engagement. If he will state his objections to me I will consider them seriously.

We are very glad to hear more favorable accounts of Cousin Margaret. I should think riding out in this beautiful weather must do her good, is it not beautiful. I want my Mother to be in the country very much. She has had cold for several weeks and is not at all well now. I think she and Father will go to Sandy Spring next week. Mother and Eliza send much love to thee and Charlie. It is late and I must acknowledge a sweet little note I had from Nettie before I go to bed. Love to cousin Mary and Eliza,

Affectionately thine

/s/ Carrie s. M----

[ Carrie's mother, mentioned above, would have been 64 years old at this date. Carrie, next to youngest of Robert and Anna Miller's 11 children, was now 24; her sister Eliza, the youngest, 23. Eliza was the only one of the 11 children who did not marry. ]

Last edit 12 months ago by thegaysianbooknerd
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